Law Office Of Bradley A. Sacks

Civil Rights And Discrimination

The Law Office of Bradley A. Sacks routinely handles complex claims of civil rights violations against employers, counties, municipalities and public officials under the implementing statutes of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, Sections 1981, 1983 and 1985, as well as those arising under the New York State Constitution and the state’s laws. We have successfully litigated claims involving fundamental issues of human rights and freedoms, representing clients who have been victims of:

  • Police misconduct
  • False arrest
  • Excessive force during arrest, also known as police brutality
  • Malicious prosecution
  • Unlawful searches and seizures
  • The denial of the basic right to medical care and treatment while incarcerated
  • Workplace discrimination and unlawful searches of one’s workplace

We Will Stand Up For Your Rights

We have extensive experience interpreting and applying 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and other state and local laws protecting our individual rights and liberties. At the Law Office of Bradley A. Sacks, we recognize the importance of standing up for each individual’s civil rights. We believe that this work helps to promote positive social change in the workplaces of those accused of civil rights violations and in the broader community. If you have suffered discrimination, you don’t have to suffer alone; we can help.

Recent Civil Rights Results

  • Police brutality: $1.75 million settlement to a victim of a police shooting during a buy and bust operation – United States District Court for Eastern District of New York

Get Legal Support For Your Civil Rights Today

If you believe you have been discriminated against at work or have experienced a violation of your civil rights, we can help you assert your rights and determine whether you are entitled to financial compensation for the violations you have suffered. Contact the Law Office of Bradley A. Sacks online or call us at 646-835-2075 to schedule a free initial consultation with no obligation.