Law Office Of Bradley A. Sacks

We Represent New York Construction Workers Injured In Accidents

Construction and building repair sites are by their very nature places where safety issues are of the utmost concern. Sometimes these workplaces are not as safe as they should be. For example, the necessary safety equipment may not be provided or unsafe shortcuts may be ordered. Unfortunately, workers must often put up with such conditions or risk losing their jobs. Recognizing this, laws exist that provide workers with a special measure of protection beyond the site safety regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and state labor departments. These laws provide protections beyond ordinary principles of negligence.

You May Have Claims Beyond Workers’ Compensation

At construction sites and during building repair work, the owner of the building or construction site and the general contractor must provide a safe place to work. If evidence can demonstrate that a worker was injured at a work site because of an unsafe condition, the worker may win a lawsuit.

In other words, a worker injured at a work site is not limited, in many instances, to workers’ compensation relief; help may also be available through the courts. For those employed in the construction, remodeling or home building industries, a day’s work is an economic necessity. Any accident that results in the loss of even a single day’s pay can cause financial problems for the employee and their family.

Construction Workers Have Special Rights Under Labor Law 240

In New York, there are special statutes to protect workers who fall from a ladder, scaffold or an elevated workspace, as well as for those who are injured due to an unguarded or unprotected hole or opening, and by equipment that is operated unsafely. There are also special laws designed to protect window washers and other workers when it can be shown that a government regulation designed to protect them at the work site was violated. The reasoning behind these special protections for construction workers is the belief that those in control of a work site have the economic power to provide a safe place to work. The responsibility extends to all entities involved in construction projects.

At the Law Office of Bradley A. Sacks, we have more than 35 years of experience utilizing these special statutes to successfully represent our clients. Our firm welcomes the opportunity to discuss your situation and review the options available to you. This can be the first step to ensure that you receive all of the workers’ compensation benefits due to you, even as you bring a lawsuit against responsible third parties. At the same time, we also work with insurance companies and other parties involved in your case to make sure all your needs are handled quickly, appropriately and with understanding.

Recent Results

  • A verdict of $44.7 million for a union carpenter rendered paraplegic when an 800-pound concrete form to which he was anchored fell on him.
  • $3.25 million for lacking a needed hoisting device, which caused neck and shoulder injuries to a glazier, requiring surgery
  • $3 million for lack of overhead protection resulting in neck injury and surgery

Get Legal Support For Your Personal Injury Case

If you or someone you know has been injured in a construction site accident or while making building repairs, contact the Law Office of Bradley A. Sacks or call 646-835-2075 to schedule a free consultation with no obligation at which we can discuss your situation and your legal options.